Anton Krajnc, painter and sculptor,
has created a bronze heart covered
with intriguing relief images.
Slated to be
the centerpiece of his ongoing international art project,
it would be connecting several countries within the European Community -
a celebration of European Unity in cultural diversity.
![tiny logo](eu-flag.jpeg)
![European Heart](euheart.gold.jpeg)
(to see a larger version, click on the image)
From the original mold for the EUROPEAN HEART,
two 8ft tall sculptures will be cast.
Due to political difficulties, the project is currently on hold,
but the artist has not given up hope that one day it will materialize.
Therefore, we still show it on the website.
Your feedback is appreciated: akstudio@flash.net.
One culpture was slated to be placed at the "root" of the symbolic heart,
in the courtyard of Castle Borl ,
proposed (but currently uncertain) future home of the Anton Krajnc Foundation and Museum,
near Ptuj, Slovenia;
the other sculpture will be divided into twenty-one separate parts,
each of them attached to its own heart-shaped
bronze frame.
![a Heart fragment](heartfrag3sm.jpeg)
(Clicking on the images will show you
avirtual photograph of each Heart-Fragment at a possible site.)
The surface reliefs remain unchanged,
but new details will become visible
in the heretofore hidden inside of the heart,
relating to the specific sites, where the Heart-Pieces are placed.
Thus, a new series of Heart-Sculptures is created,
each one different, yet all inter-connected with each other,
and especially tied to the one central EUROPEAN HEART.
The sixteen proposed "Heart Towns"
were selected so that an imaginary continuous line,
connecting them, will trace the outline of a stylized heart on a map of Europe
- at this point through Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic.
Different countries may form the final heart!
![map, flag and borl](mapcombo.jpg)
The Heart-Project can be expanded with additional designs and sculptures,
to include other European countries.
Krajnc has chosen bronze for this project, because it is an enduring
that guarantees the continuing beauty of the sculptures.
![a detail of the heart](stork.feather.jpeg)
We are currently casting small replicas of all Heart-Pieces
and talking to the mayors and cultural attachés of the proposed towns,
to obtain the necessary permissions to place these sculptures in official open spaces,
accessible to all.
We are asking that they will be permitted to remain in these locations for ten years.
The project itself is funded completely by AK Studio.
READ the Artist's STATEMENT about this project!
![rainbow rule](rainbow.gif)
![rainbow rule](rainbow.gif)
Are you interested in commissioning a site-specific bronze sculpture by Anton Krajnc?
Send us an email: akstudio@flash.net
Last modified: April 12, 2012
![rainbow rule](rainbow.gif)
Copyright© 2004-2012 by Anton Krajnc.
In keeping with the spirit of the Internet, all images are for personal, non-commercial use only.
Photography by Anton Krajnc and Dagmar.
All artwork and text information contained on these pages is original, and is protected by copyright and trademark laws.
For questions or information regarding the use or licensing of text, artwork or other contents, please contact the artist
Anton Krajnc: akstudio@flash.net