"Between Two Worlds"
(to see a larger version, click on the image)
All Original Color Lithographs by Anton Krajnc - today considered a finished body of work -
were created directly on lithographic stones or plates,
up to fourteen different ones for as many colors. They were then handprinted by the
artist himself,
signed and numbered in strictly limited small size editions of 150-300
impressions at most.
Even though original color lithographs are printed, they are not
reproductions, but multiple originals.
This artform should not be confused with
reproductions of other works by photographic means,
commonly and misleadingly
called "lithographs".
Most editions are sold out completely, but some rare images can still be bought directly from the artist.
We welcome inquiries.(akstudio@flash.net)
Organized by the Austrian Cultural Institute in Istanbul,
under the direction of Consul Dr. Erwin Lucius,
a selection of original color lithographs went on a a six-month exhibition tour across Turkey in 1998.
More than 16.000 people came to see the work.
the 1998 SUMMER SHOW took the artist and his creations to URBINO, ITALY!
Since then, selections of the artist's graphic work,
which also includes mezzotints and drawings on his own handmade paper
were shown in solo exhibits in many countries, inluding Austria, Australia,
France, Germany, Great Britain,
Italy and the United States,
together with some of his new BRONZE SCULPTURES.
"From the earliest impressions
of a muddy human hand upon a rock
to the complex techniques of etching and lithography,
the tradition of printmaking has been one of
personal identification and communication.
Print's accumulation of cultural references,
first as a devotional object and later as a means
of having at hand an infinite measure of information,
has enhanced its potency to the point that
an artist using a print medium today
is creating within a broader context
than simply that of contemporary aesthetics."
Riva Castelman, Dept. of Prints.
MOMA, New York

Has this artist's studio been set up high in the branches of a tall tree?
We can see the sky beneath.
Is the painting on the canvas a play of shadows, directed by Nature?
Is the landscape real - or is it a backdrop,
a tapestry, intricately woven of many colors?
The little bird in its nest is certainly alive.
But: it is rendered in black and white...
The artist seems to have stepped back, to share with us this vision -
some utensils and a coffee mug betraying his presence!
image size: 21"x27", ed. 200, 1984

From the tenth century onwards,
an endless river of pilgrims
on the steps of the church La Madeleine,
in Vézelay, France,
to start their
long journey to Santiago de Compostela,
about 700 miles to the South, in Spain,
their feet not yet blistered nor frostbitten,
eager to cover the miles
and to reap
their eventual reward of a place in heaven.
(From "A Pilgrim's Road" by Bettina Selby)
This image was the first in an ongoing
of artistic explorations of the theme
of the way being in itself the goal.
ed. 260, 1979

As always, symbolism and reality intertwine in Krajnc' work.
The artist joins us, just outside the image, at the threshold
he is about to cross: the completion of a work on the easel.
The pergola (in the cloisters Santa Chiara near Naples, Italy) is the path.
The canvases, backs turned, represent images stored in the artist's mind.
Many impressions, memories and thoughts are put together,
like pieces of a puzzle, when Krajnc creates a new painting.
The missing piece, to be found in black and white
in the bottom right hand corner, will complete it.
Again, a symbol: the emerging staircase.
image size: 18"x23", ed. 200, 1985

Deceptively "just" beautiful at first glance, this work explores
the themes of intellect versus feeling.
Throughout history, artists and writers, among mere mortals,
have been looking to the South for inspiration and renewal.
Is it the warmth, the quality of light, the intense color, the lush vegetation,
or the hope to find emotional solutions to intellectual problems
that invariably draw us South?
Saba, tiny island in the Netherlands Antilles,
with its rainforests and extinct volcano,
was the place of worship for Anton Krajnc.
image size: 15"x21", ed. 200, 1982
A few miles South of Tucson, Arizona,
on an Indian Reservation,
the Spanish Mission San Xavier del Bac,
also called "White Dove of the Desert".
The richly carved stone façade is decorated
with symbols of religion and daily life.
To the artist, the white dove signifies
the ambivalence of the will.
Good and bad
deeds use the same amount of energy.
Did the missionaries really
bring peace and love to the Indians?
The dove wears a mask.
image size: 20"x16", ed. 200, 1981
Would you like to buy an original color lithograph by Krajnc?
Do you have any questions? Info is always free.
Send us an email: akstudio@flash.net
We ship world-wide, unframed. You can select the frame you like
at home,
and we don't run the risk of glass breakage.
Would you like to know more about the art and the technical side of lithography?
The Tamarind Instituteat the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque
has a very good page about it! Just click on the link above.

Last modified: March 15, 2012

Copyright© 2012 by Anton Krajnc.
In keeping with the spirit of the Internet, all images are for personal, non-commercial use only.
Photography by Anton Krajnc and Dagmar.
All artwork and text information contained on these pages is original, and is protected by copyright and trademark laws.
For questions or information regarding the use or licensing of text, artwork or other contents,
please contact the artist Anton Krajnc: akstudio@flash.net