heaven, earth, raven signature


Paper is a wonderful medium, it can be the surface for many different kinds of colors and paints. Obviously, Mezzotints and Original Color Lithographs are also "works on paper", but they are covered in their own sections. Here we will focus on delicate DRAWINGS and MIXED MEDIA creations, on special papers, in some cases handmade by the artist.

Why make your own paper? If you have a small papermill, like Krajnc does, it makes sense: you can do it in your studio, using pure linen and water only, no glues, producing a paper that is virtually indestructible, except by fire. It will not yellow. The surface structure can be controlled, as well as the density. And an image can be continued within the paper, as a watermark, hidden when looked at in flat light, visible when lit through. Thus giving the artwork yet another dimension.


Night Day



A few miles to the South of Tucson, on Indian lands, lies the Mission San Xavier del Bac, built by Franciscans in 1783, with the help of Indian workers. It is one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture in America, a treasure trove of folk art and religious artifacts.
The doorhandles, here depicted by Krajnc, are wrought iron snakes. On the inside of the door, often overlooked, a small mouse perches. There is another mouse on the church's sandstone fassade, facing a cat across the opening of the door. Indian mythology says that the end of the world has come, when the cat catches the mouse. The ironsmith has translated this idea into a snake and mouse theme. And Krajnc has drawn the door seen from the inside at night and from the outside during day.

(These are small works, 9"x12". The paper has the typical ragged "deckel-edge" look (not visible here), created when it is lifted out of the water in its frame.)

If you'd like to see a picture of MISSION SAN XAVIER, it is among the Original Color Lithographs.

drawing GUILIN


Drawing on handmade paper, 29cm x 22cm, 1984

rainbow rule


the artist's dove

Last modified:April 24, 2012

rainbow rule

Copyright© 1997-2012 by Anton Krajnc. In keeping with the spirit of the Internet, all images are for personal, non-commercial use only. Photography by Anton Krajnc and Dagmar.

All artwork and text information contained on these pages is original, and is protected by copyright and trademark laws. For questions or information regarding the use or licensing of text, artwork or other contents, please contact the artist via email: akstudio@flash.net

rainbow rule